
Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Morning of the Milk Glass

A few Saturday mornings ago, Ryan and I made it big.

We went garage sale shopping on Saturday morning for milk glass vases to use in our centerpieces. We weren't finding anything at the garage sales after about 2 frustrating hours, so Ryan suggested going to a flea market across the river. Southeast Missouri/Illinois brides, e-mail me and I'll fill you in on where it is. Anyway, we did so much better than I could have dreamed! I expected to find maybe 3-4 vases, at that, and I was not planning on spending over $2 per vase. This seems ridiculously low, but we need about 40 of these, and they just aren't something I wanted to spend a lot on.

Did we cash in or did we cash in!

A sampling of the vases, washed and drying on my counter.

Here are a few of my favorites. I am especially partial to the one on the right.

I already had 2, and we found 19 vases at the flea market. Seriously! And for the 21 vases we've found, we have spent a grand total of $21.50. Can you believe it? I am so thrilled that our vision is working out at such a fabulous price. I am super pumped about these, now I just need to do a mock-up with a branch in one of these guys.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. holy good find! I'm doing vintage water pictures for my centerpieces and it has been a much more piece-meal process. I love milk glass - they are going to look really sweet as a collection on the tables, and what nice keepsakes of your wedding to have afterwards!


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