
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Take me to the courthouse ASAP

Because I have had enough.

(Just a warning, this is a ranty, negative nelly post)

Everything is so freakishly overly complicated. The map and directions for the invitations are dependent upon the hotel we've been trying to book with, but they won't answer their phones, won't call me back and don't speak the best English in the world, so every time I leave a message its wrong. And the exact same person is always at the front desk. So the stupid invitiations that really, really need to get done CAN'T until this stupid hotel cooperates. I'm trying to give them money, I don't understand! There are so many things I am dying to cross off my list but can't because of stupid stuff like that, it's driving me nuts.

And my time with Ryan is dwindling rapidly. His work schedule got switched in April so he'll be working all day Friday and all day Saturday...leaving me with 1 day to see him every weekend. I am so p*ssed that the little time I do have with him is clogged up with dumb crap like addresses and e-mail bounce backs.

This is probably more me being really upset that April is going to be a rough month in terms of actually spending time with Ryan instead of wedding planning stuff, but it's easier to be angry about wedding planning stuff than angry at Ryan about his work schedule, which he can't do anything about anyway.

I just keep telling myself "I just want to be married, I just want to be married." Ryan says that being married isn't going to get rid of bills and other daily life stuff, but I know that. Being married will take care of this BS back-and-forth-never-seeing-each-other nonsense and a wedding task list that is growing by the day, and I will gladly take that.

Anyone else feeling bogged down, maybe a little blue? This wedding couldn't come fast enough, checklist completed or not.


  1. Girl, you are not alone! Just this morning I had myself my own little "I am so sick of this crap" moment. Hang in there, it will be worth it in the end. And even though April will suck in terms of seeing each other, you will get through it and the time you do spend together will be that much nicer! Keep on keepin' on and soon enough, you'll be married!

  2. No, all the act of wedding planning is weighing me down as well. I can't wait for all the PLANNING to be over. GAH! I feel your pain.

  3. Hang in there lady! I know the distance can be really really hard, and weighs down on everything else, especially when there are chores/tasks to be completed!

  4. I spent six effing hours on wedding crap on Saturday alone. And four more on Sunday. While I don't have the distance issue we have a serious lack-of-time together issue and bogging down our precious few moments with wedding decisions (and, um disagreements/negotiations) is hard stuff.


    So in conculsion, yes, you're not alone. Grr. But, you're in the home stretch of the planning and living apart bit, so yay.

  5. Oh I think we all can relate!!! Hang in there and you'll make it. I promise!

    Good luck!!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this! It will all be worth it when you can crawl into bed every night together. Just keep on going and you'll make it!

  7. I hear you! But don't ever have a screaming ranting breakdown at the morons that won't reply to you or answer your calls because you'll be accused of being a bridezilla - don't get me started. The long distance things is hard - my only recommendation would be to keep moaning to us not Ryan as you need to cherish every second you have together. big hugs x

  8. I'm so glad our wedding has passed...I totally remember what you're going through...hang in there!!

  9. This past year of our engagement has been crazy. Mr Fix It and I do not live close to one another - about 25 minutes apart. Which is not bad at all...except I work full time, lead a bible study one night a week, have a teenage daughter I spend half my week with and he has his own work schedule to contend with. So honestly, we only saw each other once, maybe twice, a week for most of the weeks this past year. We talked on the phone often, but hang out time - very sparse.

    I guess it didn't bother me as much because 1) we have been together six years so I wasn't worried about us drifting apart and 2) I knew that we were on our way to eventually living together and not having to worry about not getting to see each other every day...which is just about to happen in 24 days!!!

    I don't have any advice for you as it is difficult to deal with. The best thing I can suggest is to hang in there and try not to let it affect you negatively *too* much. Hope things pan out soon.

  10. You can do it. Get some of that stress off of your chest, put your head down and push forward. Like some of the other ladies said, the ultimate reward you'll get in four months is sooooooo worth it. It doesn't seem like it, but I promise, it'll never be the same. :)

    Is there any of the stressful details I can help you with? I surely can! Just give me a to-do list and I'll get things done!

  11. Oh girl, I think we've all been there. And I know hearing one more "hang in there" is probably not something you really need right now, but that's my best advice at the moment. I'm going through a stressful time right now, too, and very much looking forward to just being married. Actually, I'm just looking forward to not almost losing my shit everyday.

    Also, hotel people can be assholes! It's like, I'm basically throwing money at you...and you don't care?? Grr, don't get me started. Hopefully that all works out for you soon :)

  12. yes i am - let's do this thing already! chin up and try to really really enjoy ryan when you have him. xoxo

  13. Aww, hang in there, lady! I'm sorry to hear about the hotel drama . . . it seems that there's always one vendor who is slightly less than dependable. Just take a deep breath and think forward to the point when you are finally going to be married. That always makes me feel better during the rough spots.

  14. Take a deep breath, it'll all work out!

  15. Being married doesn't fix everything - but it does make it feel better!

    You poor thing. Why some places make it so difficult is beyond me. Hope the hotel shows you the love soon.

  16. Woah sorry! I have had those moments and they dont feel good

    Solution: eff the stupid map. They can figure out the directions themselves. People have GPS, iphones, etc.

  17. Sending lots of good vibes your way! Hang in there!


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