
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Must Make This

Must make this in, the very second I'm done sewing for the wedding and figure out what colors to use....

I think this would be a great first-time-quilt-project since it isn't so big.

I love everything about it, though the instructions on cutting up the white are slightly confusing.

Have any projects caught your eye lately?


  1. That looks very cute!!!! and not super-difficult. I always tell people that the worst part of sewing/quilting is picking out the fabric. I'm horrible with colors and matching.

  2. Gorgeous! How fun! I have so many home improvement projects I want to start, but am making myself wait until after the wedding.

  3. I totally need to make that. This looks super fun, and I actually wanted to make a quilt soon. I was at JoAnne Fabrics the other day looking for material for our curtains, and I got hit with quilting fever. I"m trying to wait until after the wedding and the thank yous are all sent out!

  4. i want to make this TOO !!! Don't sweat the instructions; it's all straight line sewing anyway..... you really don't need instructions for something like this, just common sense and a little math. Anyway, you have that grandmother who can do anything with a sewing machine and I hear your mother is pretty good, too!


Hearing from you all makes my day!