A snowstorm 2 weeks ago got me on a sewing spree! I had this minky/flannel blanket to finish up for a friend's baby girl arriving in a few weeks (DEADLINE!) and when we got a few snow days I had the chance to sit down and get it all together. The satin edging was much more complicated and time consuming than I thought it would be (just gathering the satin edging took me hours) but it turned out so pretty:
It's the softest, cuddliest blanket I've ever sewn; I hope it keeps our friends' new baby girl toasty and warm!
I've also been on an elephant-making quilt lately, courtesy of this tutorial. It all started when another friend of ours did up her new baby's nursery in elephants, so I made one for their new arrival and the new big brother. They go together so quickly that lots of friends have gotten these for their little ones!
Can you believe Christmas is next week? We're almost done shopping but have a small handful of gifts to pick up still. Are you ready to go or will you be hitting the stores this weekend?
Aside from that materialist bit, I was looking at our tree last night and feeling so grateful. Our tree is full of ornaments that were all given to us by someone who loves us, and they're each a ticket to a time and a place I couldn't get to otherwise. We both have jobs we love, our health, our families, more than we need to eat and a savings account. We are so fortunate, and I feel this every day.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!